This past weekend we recorded a high of 98° on the farm, our hottest day of 2015 so far! With the chronic summer heat so far this season, we are seeing eggplant, tomatoes, and squash ripening at record rates. Other crops like kale and lettuce are enjoying the heat slightly less, but are hanging in there. The tomato harvest is just beginning for the summer- we had just enough so that everyone can get a little taste this week and look forward to larger amounts in the coming future. Also, members have given feedback in the past that weekly doses of eggplant become overwhelming very rapidly, so we have implemented a new strategy this year where eggplant is now on rotation- meaning that rather than everyone getting it every week, members will alternate which weeks they receive eggplant. This allows us to plant a smaller block of eggplant, utilize the harvest more efficiently, waste less, and you get have a pause between eggplant weeks! But is there really such thing as too much Eggplant Parmesan?
Elsewhere on the farm, we have transplanted out all of our winter chicories (radicchio, pan di zucchero, escarole), and fall kohlrabi, kale, napa cabbage, and pac choi. In essence the stage has now been set for our fall and winter CSA shares and restaurant sales…now we water, weed, and wait. All of the plants (both our crops AND the weeds) are growing at an explosive rate and we spend most of our days harvesting, irrigating, weeding- and then we repeat. We have arrived at the moment in the season where we transition out of the leafy greens and tender spring crops and into summer favorites like corn, tomatoes, squash, eggplant, and cucumbers. You’ll also be receiving root crops like carrots and beets along with herbs, onions, and greens like chard and lettuce for a balanced assortment of colors, flavors, textures, and cooking possibilities. We hope youre enjoying the share!
In Your Share This Week:
- Beans, Gold Rush
- Beets
- Corn
- Cucumber Mix
- Onions, Walla Walla Sweet
- Parsley
- Summer Squash Mix
- Tomatoes, Red Slicers
- Eggplant (on rotation, either Japanese type or Italian Bell type)
Crop Notes
Meet Your Farmer
Genevieve Flanagan