This Week’s Share
Crop |
Family Share |
Half Share |
Beets, Red (with tops) | 2 pounds | 1 pound |
Broccoli | 2 pounds | 1 pound |
Fennel | 2 bulbs | 1 bulb |
Garlic Scapes | 2 ounces | 1 ounce |
Kale, Red Ursa | 1 large bunch | 1 small bunch |
Lettuce, Butterheads | 2 heads | 1 head |
Parsley | 1 large bunch | 1 small bunch |
Spinach | 2 pounds | 1 pound |
Share Notes
- Beets: Your beets this week come with their beautiful crisp greens attached, and you may use these as you would chard in salads and sautés.
- Garlic Scapes: In the life cycle of garlic its attempt at flowering and producing seed creates what we know and enjoy at the “scape”. This long green scallion like shoot has a relatively short window, so enjoy this one-time sampling of garlic scapes in your share this week.
Planning for the 4th of July
All deliveries will be taking place on their regularly scheduled day and time during the week of the 4th of July, except those hosted at businesses that fall on Wednesday, July 4th. For University of Portland, North Portland (Edge Fitness), Metro, PSOB, PDC and Ladd’s Addition (Artemis) members, your pick-ups will be on Tuesday 7/3 with no next day pick-up. Please plan to pick-up your share on July 3rd as all businesses will be closed July 4th in recognition of the 4th of July holiday.
Sites with Tuesday 7/3 CSA Pick-up:
- Sellwood Neighborhood
- Richmond Neighborhood
- Lincoln Street Church
- Laurelhurst Neighborhood
- University of Portland
- North Portland (Edge Fitness)
- Metro
- Ladd’s Addition (Artemis Foods)
Sites with Wednesday 7/4 CSA Pick-up:
- St. John’s Neighborhood
- NE Portland
Sites with Thursday 7/5 CSA Pick-up:
- Hillsdale Food Front
- OHSU Bancroft Building
- OHSU Center for Health & Healing
- Ecotrust Building
- Legacy Good Samaritan
- Friendly House (NW 26th & Thurman)
- Farm
Save the Date
Your Invited to the SIO Annual Potato Harvest Party & French Fry Feast
Saturday August, 11th 10am-2pm
Enjoy your New Potatoes this week and mark your calendars to join us for our annual Potato Harvest Party & French Fry Feast. This is a very kid friendly event, and in addition to potato harvesting we’ll have fresh french fries at eat and sprinklers to cool you down. Please bring a potluck dish to share. Join us anytime during the event, even just for lunch!