This Week’s Share
Crop |
Family Share |
Half Share |
Bok Choi, Joi Choi | 1 head | 1 head |
Carrots | 2 pounds | 1 pound |
Mizuna | 2 bunches | 1 bunch |
Jalapenos | 6 larger (or 12 smaller) | 3 larger (or 6 smaller) |
Parsnips | 3 pounds | 1 1/2 pounds |
Sweet Red Peppers | 4 each | 2 each |
Turnips, Japanese White | 3 pounds | 1 1/2 pounds |
Winter Squash, Acorn | 2 each | 1 each |
Farm News
Order Your Bulk Carrots
We all love SIO carrots, and we know many of you juice, pickle, and love to chomp chomp chomp those carrots down, and if you fit that description the Bulk Carrots option may be for you. We will be selling 20 pound boxes of carrots (no tops) for $25. To order reply to any email from the farm, include your name, pick-up site and number of 20lb boxes you’d like to receive, and we will email back confirming your order and what date you can plan to pick-up your carrots.
You must pre-order your Bulk Carrots, and they will be delivered to your CSA pick-up site on our next available date, or requested date if we have capacity. We have a limited number of boxes per week we can deliver, so if we are sold our for the next week we will set you up for the next available week. You can order a 20lb box weekly, on a one-time basis or as needed now through the end of the season.