Your Share This Week:
- Bok Choi
- Broccoli
- Cabbage (either red or green)
- Escarole
- Fava Beans
- Garlic
Crop Notes
Cabbage: We did not have quite enough of either red or green to give everyone all the same type…so we’re mixing it up! We are very pleased with how well the cabbages headed up and how sweet they both are- both the red and the green can be eaten either raw or cooked. As they say, variety is the spice of life!
Fava Beans: A fun summer treat! You can invest as much or as little effort into processing these as you wish; from grilling them whole in the pods with sea salt and olive oil, to fava hummus, to blanched and individually peeled. Store favas in a plastic bag in the fridge, and if they’re taking up too much space, pop the beans out of the pods and store in a sealed container (although I have noticed the skins will begin to brown when you do this). As a heads-up, favas will be in the share next week as well, so you can either savor them now and enjoy more later, or save them up and have a fava shelling party. Just add white wine and friends…perfect for summer! WARNING– There is a rare genetic deficiency that affects some people and can lead to health problems if they eat fava beans. This condition is relatively rare and usually detected by childhood, but if you have never eaten fava beans before we recommend you check out to learn more.
Beat the Heat
We’ve got some hot days in the forecast, and with that here are a few reminders for making sure your veggies do not get cooked early.
- Pick-up on the day of delivery. Picking up on the day of delivery is always your best option for optimal quality of your share, but this is even more true with summer heat.
- Don’t leave your share in the car. Greens can go from happy and crisp to a sad and wilted in a matter of minutes in a hot car.
- Cool it off. Once home give your lettuce and bok choi a cool douse of water before they go into the fridge to keep them hydrated and perky.
How Do Your Tomatoes Grow