Think Spring!
Spring seeding and planting is well underway, with lettuce, kale, chard, fennel, garlic, potatoes, peas, spinach, mizuna, arugula, and broccoli (pictured left) already setting their roots and weathering the elements out in the field. And what’s that sprouting in the picture above?Its calendula getting a head start in the green house before its transplanted to the fields. Calendula, along with many other flower varieties, serve as insectory plants that attract beneficial insects that help pollinate crops or prey on pests to lower their presence in the fields.
We have nearly completed our new 180 ft. hoop house. We will use this structure for housing our transplants and for growing our sweet peppers in the summer.
We have started direct seeding out in the newly added 5-acres, and the 360 ft. beds “feel long”, as they should being twice as long as the 11 acres of 180ft beds. We are excited to see the bounty the new fields will offer through out the season.
There is so much going on out on the farm and we can’t wait until we start bringing the farm to you in May, just a few weeks away! We still have shares available, so tell your friends and family its not too late to share in the harvest.
Save the Date
Join us Saturday May 2nd for our Annual Onion Planting Party. Bring your kids, bring your share partner, and bring a potluck dish to share. We will be serving an onion soup using storage onions planted during last years party, so you can see and taste the full cylcle of the onions. You can join us for the whole day or part of the day, we just want to see your smiling faces!
-10am-12:30pm Onion Planting
-12:30-1pm Farm Tour
-1pm-2pm Potluck Lunch