Spring feels like it is just around the corner. We have been busy in the greenhouse & in the fields.
Enjoy the bounty!
Beets, cylindra | 5 lbs |
Cabbage | 1 each |
Carrot, danvers | 4 lbs |
Celeriac, prinz | 1 each |
Kohlrabi | 1 each |
Leeks | 6 each |
Parsnips | 4 lbs |
Raab, kale | 1 bunch |
Shallots: conservor | 2 lbs |
Winter Squash, butternut | 2 each |
Crop Notes:
Beets, cylindra- We love the fun and unusual shape of these beets! They are great from a chef’s standpoint with a notably thin skin (no need to peel and stain everything in your kitchen red) and uniform shape when sliced- great for canning or plating as beet coins. They are also great from a farmer’s standpoint since the root shape means we can grow many more pounds per bed foot than we can with a round beet. There was quite a variation in root size, so we tried to pack either large, medium, or small in your share so you can enjoy a consistent size for easier prep.
Kohlrabi- This week you will find a variety in your share called ‘Gigante’. This Czechoslovakian heirloom can easily grow to the size of a bowling ball without getting woody and tough. We have noticed that the skin is thicker than other varieties we grow, so make sure to trim and peel with a suitably sharp knife.
Raab, lacinato kale- Raab is also referred to as rapini, rapa, rabe, and probably more…but it refers to the new growth as the plants prepare to reproduce. Raab can be harvested from just about any plant in the Brassica family, which includes crops like broccoli, kale, mustards, collards, cabbage, and more. Believe it or not, these young, tender shoots are from very old kale plants that we transplanted into our fields last summer and fall. They braved the winter (which seemed notably mild this year) and as the weather warmed up the plants set about preparing to flower and produce seeds. At this moment, as the shoots elongate but before the buds open, the leaves are fresh and delicious and the stems are unbelievably tender and sweet. Try snacking on a stem raw just to see! Raab is a great ‘bonus crop’ that we can harvest in the time of year when fresh greens are such a treat to have. You can chop and cook the kale, or leave it whole and treat it more like asparagus spears. Fun fact: when you are out and about this time of year and you see sprays of vibrant yellow flowers on little green plants (not shrubs) oftentimes in fields and along roadways… its very likely a Brassica and is a wild cousin of your dinner! Very soon in Oregon you can enjoy seeing entire fields of electric yellow- farmers growing Brassica seed crops or canola.
Shallots- Some of you have already seen ‘Conservor’ shallots in your share as a substitute for Ed’s Red in week four. These wonderful shallots have a rosy colored skin and a nice teardrop shape. They consistently produce enormous bulbs that are easy to peel, taste great, and store seemingly forever…a definite favorite here on the farm!