This Week’s Share
Crop |
Family Share |
Half Share |
Arugula | 2 bunches | 1 bunch |
Collard Greens | 2 bunches | 1 bunch |
Green Garlic | 2 stems | 1 stem |
Lettuce, Green Butter | 2 heads | 1 head |
Radish | 2 bunches | 1 bunch |
Scallions (Green Onions) | 2 bunches | 1 bunch |
Share Notes
- Collard Greens: This is our first season trying these out as a spring crop, and so far we are pleased with results. These broad , hearty, leathery leaves hold up well to long slow cooking and are a stronghold of southern cooking.
- Scallions (Green Onions): We are trying several new varieties of scallions this season in an effort to see which are best suited for our spring climate. The variety in this week’s share is called Pride, and it’s a Organic F1 Hybrid variety that we sourced from High Mowing Organic Seeds out of Wolcott, VT.
Important Things to Remember When Picking-up
- Please make sure to read all posted signs and make sure to take the correct share type(s). If you take the wrong share type that means another member misses out on theirs.
- Please check-in on the clipboard each and every week you come to pick-up.
- Remember to return your empty CSA container from last week when you come to pick-up this week (if you take it home).
Planning To Go On Vacation This Season?
We offer two weeks of vacation rescheduling. If you know you will be away for a certain week of pick-up please let us know the date, and which week you would like to receive your double share (double shares exclude Thanksgiving Week). If you will be away for more than two weeks we encourage you to contact a friend/family/co-worker to come pick-up in your place. If finding a replacement is not possible please let us know and we will donate your share.
Sending Someone To Pick-up For You?
That’s great! We love when new people get to experience the joy of picking up a weekly CSA Share. If you are going to send someone that has never been to pick-up before send their email or phone number our way so we can get them all the information needed. They can likewise email us at or give us a call at 503.621.6921 with any questions.
Save the Date
Your Invited to the SIO Annual Potato Harvest Party & French Fry Feast
Saturday August, 16th 10am-2pm
Mark your calendars to join us for our annual Potato Harvest Party & French Fry Feast. This is a very kid friendly event, and in addition to potato harvesting we’ll have fresh french fries at eat and sprinklers to cool you down. Please bring a potluck dish to share. Join us anytime during the event, even just for lunch!
Sauvie Island Center Offering Summer Farm Camps for Kids
Sauvie Island Center is a non-profit educating kids about food, farming and the land. They are offering several Summer Farm Camp programs in July, and you can find more information about those and how to register on their website (