Join Us at the Farm – Spring Farm Tour & Potluck at SIO
Join us Saturday, May 19th to kick-off the season with a tour of the farm and a CSA Community Potluck. This event is from 11am to 2pm. Tours of the farm will happen at 11am & 1pm and we will share a potluck lunch at noon. Bring your family, friends, kids, neighbors, and anyone you think would enjoy a day on the farm, and don’t forget to bring a potluck dish to share. The farm fields are located at 13615 NW Howell Park Rd, just a mile past the Sauvie Island Bridge.
A New Field Pack House
We were finally able to secure two small business loans to build a new pack shed and purchase a new walk-in cooler. Thank you dad and thank you Wells Fargo. At the end of April Shoreline construction poured a 30×50 foot concrete slab (photo above) and a week later NW Metal Buildings delivered and constructed our new vertical A frame building (photos below). The cooler will arrive May 17th just in time for the first CSA harvests.
Oregon Spring
In between the raindrops we have been doing bed prep, planting and weeding. Come walk the fields and see your lettuce, broccoli, radishes, turnips, bok choi, fennel, chard and kale. The greenhouse calls when the raindrops fall. Peek inside and you will see tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and summer squash starts bulking up for the summer months. We are excited that the CSA season is only 4 weeks away. Soon we will all be eating the bounty of an Oregon Spring.

Field Crew members (left to right) Noreen, Bernice, Kim and Carmelita transplant fennel on overcast day at the end of April.
SIO is Heating Up
Take a look at this video of Peter flame weeding a carrot bed after it has been seeded. Flame weeding is integral to our organic farming system here at SIO; we use this technique to kill weeds in their very early stages either before or soon after we direct seed a new crop. By reducing weed pressure, germinating seeds and infant plants have full access to the nutrients, water, and root development without having to compete with surrounding weeds.
Follow us on Facebook
Come visit Sauvie Island Organics on Facebook! Give us your “like,” and stay up to date with the most current happenings on the farm. This summer you will be the first to know what restaurants have fresh SIO produce on their menus, as well as links to even more recipe ideas for cooking up your CSA shares.